Thank you so much for choosing me to capture your latest session.  I would love some feedback on the session and your experience working with me.  Please note that some comments may be added to my website as reviews but I will only use initials – no full names.

This feedback is important to me so I can improve. 

– Jennifer

Please enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form.
Selected Value: 5
Please select 5 = Very Happy, 0 = Very Unhappy
Were you comfortable throughout the session?
If uncomfortable, please elaborate
How satisfied were you with the turn-around time?
Selected Value: 5
Please select 5 = Very Happy, 0 = Very Unhappy
What did you enjoy most about working with me?
What can I do to improve?
Can I use your positive feedback on my website?
Only your initials will be used - no first or last name.